An ancient Chinese art, acupuncture is the stimulation of specific, defined points along the body using extremely thin needles. This has been used for thousands of years to treat muscle pain and sprains. By targeting these specific points, and acupuncturist can promote the very precise healing needed in many cases.
Springs Chiropractic is at the top of Colorado Springs acupuncture clinics. With acupuncture, we treat thousands of patients for a variety of ailments, including headaches, neck pain, back pain, tennis elbow, knee pain, and rheumatoid arthritis. Our practice employs the extremely talented James Pulciani. Holding a masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine, James has written many educational texts and curricula on anatomy, physiology, and massage therapy. Finding a knowledgeable and skilled acupuncturist is absolutely key to seeing results and having a safe procedure. James is an authority on all matters of massage and physical therapy, as well as acupuncture.
A key feature that keeps us ahead of other Colorado Springs acupuncture clinics is our exclusive use of sterile, single-use needles. This keeps our patients safe, and promotes a speedy recovery from their ailments.
The actual procedure of acupuncture is rather simple. The skin is sterilized and the needles are inserted, most often using a plastic guide tube. Since most pain would be felt only in the initial layers of tissue, the needles are usually inserted with speed. Acupuncturists can manipulate the needles by twisting, flicking, and moving them in or out. This will cause an extremely small wound in the muscle, releasing histamine and increasing blood flow. The extra flow will move painful toxins out of the area, and allow vital nutrients to begin healing the muscle, with almost instantaneous relief.
The environment in which acupuncture takes place is just as important as the acupuncturist and his or her skill. Springs Chiropractic takes pride in offering the most comprehensive Colorado Springs acupuncture experience available.