Workplace Stress Can Be Deadly

Home » Blog » Workplace Stress Can Be Deadly

To Your Health
October, 2015 (Vol. 09, Issue 10)

Workplace Stress Can Be Deadly

By Editorial Staff

We all experience stress in our jobs, even if we’re working at our “dream job.” That’s because every job entails a certain amount of responsibility. Unless you don’t care a bit about your job – in which case, you won’t be employed much longer – you make every effort to fulfill your responsibilities; and that can cause stress, particularly when you’re “under the gun” in terms of a project, deadline, presentation, etc.

Workplace stress also can manifest because your job is your source of income, and the prospect of losing that income (which in most cases, is always a threat, whether real or perceived) can be frightening. Add in the sometimes-contentious interactions with your boss, co-workers and other parties with whom you interact, and that stress can simmer slowly or boil over in a moment’s notice.

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But can stress actually be deadly? Yes, suggests a recent review study by Stanford University and Harvard Business School that evaluated the impact of 10 workplace stressors (including some of the stressors discussed above) on four health outcomes. After analyzing 228 studies, the researchers found “job insecurity increases the odds of reporting poor health by about 50%, high job demands raise the odds of having a physician-diagnosed illness by 35%, and long work hours increase mortality by almost 20%.”

Most people have enough stress in their lives – add workplace-related stress and you could be concocting a recipe for disaster. Two solutions: Find ways to better manage the sources of stress (so you don’t experience stress int he first place; or learn how to reduce the impact stress has on you when it inevitably rears its ugly head. Click here for some simple stress-management strategies to help get you started.

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Workplace Stress Can Be Deadly

We all experience stress in our jobs, even if we’re working at our dream job

Keep Your Spine in Shape

Home » Blog » Keep Your Spine in Shape

To Your Health 

October, 2015   (Vol. 09, Issue 10)

Keep Your Spine in Shape

By Editorial Staff

Your spine is the backbone of your entire body – literally and figuratively. That means poor spine health can negatively impact you from head to toe. How can you keep your spine in shape? Let’s learn more about this critical anatomical structure and take a look at some of the simple strategies you can employ to ensure a healthy spine and a healthy body.

Sleep Matters: Your sleep position and the overall quality of your sleep play a big role in spinal health. The ideal position for the spine during sleep places you on your back with a pillow between your legs. As you might imagine, lying on your stomach is the worse position. Your pillow and mattress also matter, so make sure you choose the right ones for you, or your spine will let you know with neck and/or back pain. (Talk to your chiropractor for suggestions.)

healthy spine - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

Nutrition Essentials: Believe it or not, certain foods promote a healthy spine (and vice versa). For example, adequate water intake is necessary to nourish not only the body’s cells, but also the spinal intervertebral discs, which consist primarily of water at birth. As you might imagine, water helps keep the discs (and thus the spine) from getting stiff and subject to injury.  In addition, an anti-inflammatory diet is key to preventing back pain and other spine problems due to inflammation. Think foods such as omega-3 fish and lean proteins, fresh produce, avocado, olive oil, and various spices while reducing intake of pro-inflammatory foods (most fast foods and processed foods, sugar-laden sweets, etc.).

Chiropractic Care: No conversation about spine health would be complete without mentioning chiropractic, an entire health care profession founded on the principle that a healthy, properly aligned spine has far-reaching effects on the entire body. Research asserts chiropractic’s effectiveness in treating back pain, neck pain and various other musculoskeletal conditions, and the goal of periodic chiropractic care is to maintain spinal health, optimize the body’s self-healing capacities, and thus prevent pain from returning. If you haven’t been to a chiropractor yet, what are you waiting for? If you’ve visited one, but haven’t returned in awhile, remember: your spine – and your entire body – deserve it.

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Keep Your Spine in Shape

Your spine is the backbone of your entire body – literally and figuratively