Wide Awake in the Electronic Age: Our Kids’ Sleep Habits Are Suffering

To Your Health
November, 2016 (Vol. 10, Issue 11)

Wide Awake in the Electronic Age: Our Kids’ Sleep Habits Are Suffering

By Editorial Staff

Smartphones, tablets and everything in between – chances are high that if your child’s over the age of 6 (and in some cases, even younger these days), they’re spending a considerable (read: unhealthy) amount of time engaged with portable electronic devices. At the same time, we’re finding that kids are suffering from sleep deprivation in terms of time spent asleep and quality of sleep enjoyed. Is there a connection? Yes, say researchers who reviewed various studies on the topic – and the news is even worse than you might imagine.

After reviewing 20 studies, researchers found that kids who used portable electronic devices near bedtime had more difficulty falling or staying asleep, and experienced poor daytime function because of sleepiness. Device use also contributed to lack of sleep compared to non-use: less than 10 hours per night for children and less than nine hours for teens.

kids on computer - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

But here’s the kicker: Even kids who didn’t use the devices, but had access to them, still experienced shorter sleep times. Children with bedtime access to devices close to bedtime three or more times a week also experienced less sleep and lower quality of sleep compared to children with less or no device access. Researchers speculate that access, even without use, can exert an influence on sleep because children are thinking about different aspects of the device, such as text messaging (e.g., “Has someone responded to that message I sent earlier?”).

Ready to limit your children’s (or your own) screen time? Click here for three ways to get started. For more information on another potential negative health consequence of excessive smartphone / tablet use, click here.

The Holidays Don’t Mean Time Off from the Gym or Chiropractor

The Holidays Don’t Mean Time Off from the Gym or Chiropractor

As another year ramps up for the holidays, it’s easy to slack off and skip the gym or cancel your regular adjustment or acupuncture for a holiday party, kid’s Christmas pageant at school, or because you’ve had to spend a couple extra hours at the office before taking vacation days. Though we wonder where the time went, we must remember we put in some serious hours getting and staying fit and aligned this year.

Missing a workout or appointment is easy to rationalize during the holiday season, but it’s not a justification that holds merit when you find yourself on that slippery slope with your gym bag collecting dust, energy lagging, and that tweak in your shoulder flaring up again. You worked hard and remained diligent all year, even when you wanted to kick back on the couch instead of hitting the gym. You kept up with your adjustments or acupuncture, which provided the relief you needed to enjoy unimpeded and unrestricted movement and comfort. A week off can throw your body off, and it’s during the holidays when we should be the most mindful of our health.

The holidays are a busy time, and require extra energy, with family gatherings, shopping, and parties. Studies show that regular exercise increases energy and decreases fatigue. Your body wakes up from the inside with increased and more efficient blood flow, delivering more oxygen to the brain and your muscles. Your body’s reaction to exercise also results in increased mental acuity and alertness, and when endorphins are released from working out, feelings of pain relief and well-being occur.

When you skip a workout or two, both body and mind can suffer, and we don’t want to lose these benefits of exercise during this busy season. And, with the increased opportunity to eat more during this festive season, keeping your body burning calories is important to fending off extra pounds that can sneak up on us during the holidays.

Keep up with your workouts and your adjustments this holiday season to not only keep you fit and healthy, but to keep your mind sharp, energy up, and mood jovial.

Stick to the Program: How to Make This the Healthy Holidays

To Your Health
November, 2016 (Vol. 10, Issue 11)

Stick to the Program: How to Make This the Healthy Holidays

By Editorial Staff

Yes, it’s that time of year again: the holiday season. And with it comes the annual battle many of us have to maintain our health, fitness and sanity. You’ve worked so hard the past 10 months; why throw it all away now? Unfortunately, that’s what too many people do – eating right, working out, keeping stress low and optimizing their health and wellness from January to October, only to regress once November hits.

But that’s not your immediate future, because you’ve invested to much in yourself. And, as luck would have it, it’s also that time of year when we offer great ideas to survive what we like to call the “unhealthy holidays.” Take these tips to heart and stick to the program these holidays. After all, you’re worth it.

Less Is More: In general, the holiday season is all about excess; or at least the opportunity (read: temptation) of excess. That’s particularly true when it comes to food, which can turn ugly and sabotage your health efforts if you don’t rein it in. Moderation is the key, and the way to achieve moderation is to go to every holiday party / meal with a plan: less is more. Less piling on means more satisfaction; less helpings means more waking up on the right side of the bed, feeling great about yourself, not overstuffed and unmotivated.

More Is Less: In the hustle and bustle of the holiday season, stress can overwhelm even the best of us. And when we’re stressed, we’re prone to comfort activities, which can lead to poor eating and discontinuance of our fitness routine. In this case, more is less: The more you stay true to your gym visits, nutrition plan, etc., the less stress you’ll feel, breaking the vicious cycle of stress, unhealthy habits, more stress.

Strength in Numbers: Chances are you haven’t succeeded the past 10 months entirely on your own, and now’s not the time to start. Sit down with your workout buddy, friends and loved ones who’ve helped you along the way and pledge to stick to the program through the holiday season. A little motivation can go a long way.

Movement Is Life: The more you move this holiday season, even if it’s not technically your standard exercise routine, is better than nothing at all. In fact, the holiday season often offers many unique opportunities for physical activity – taking a hike with holiday guests, playing a little family-against-family touch football game, etc. – that just aren’t available during the year.