Time for Chiropractic

To Your Health
October, 2017 (Vol. 11, Issue 10)

Time for Chiropractic

By Editorial Staff

It’s a great time to visit your chiropractor, and a recent Gallup survey makes it clear: pain is a major issue for many people, and overwhelmingly, they would rather try nondrug pain-relief therapies such as chiropractic care versus pain-relieving medications. Well, they’re in luck, because chiropractic offers the answer.

According to the 2017 Gallup-Palmer College of Chiropractic Annual Study of Americans, pain is an ongoing issue for many Americans, particularly neck and back pain (two conditions commonly treated by chiropractors): “About one in four adults in the U.S. (27%) have seen a healthcare professional for significant neck or back pain in the last 12 months. More than half of those adults (54%) have had an ongoing problem with neck or back pain for five years or more.”

But medication is not the preferred option, particularly in light of the opioid epidemic: Nearly eight in 10 (78 percent) of Americans “prefer to try other ways to address their physical pain before they take pain medication prescribed by a doctor.” And yet pain medications are still widely used: “Among those who have had ongoing neck or back pain for less than 12 months, seven in 10 have taken a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), such as Advil®, aspirin or Aleve®, to manage the pain, and 45% have taken acetaminophen, such as Tylenol.®”

time for chiropractic - Copyright – Stock Photo / Register Mark

So, let’s sum up: Americans are in pain, don’t want to take prescription pain medication, but often take over-the-counter pain medication. Sounds like it’s time for chiropractic instead, especially in light of the fact that according to the survey, Americans perceive chiropractic as safer than both prescription and OTC medication and back surgery for neck/back pain.

Don’t risk the potential side effects of pain medication – drugs that only temporarily relieve the symptom (pain) – when your chiropractor can relieve your pain without drugs while addressing the root cause of your problem. It’s time for chiropractic.

Spending a Painful Day Off

To Your Health
October, 2014 (Vol. 08, Issue 10)

Spending a Painful Day Off

By Editorial Staff

We all have our “story” when we don’t show up at work on any given day; some more valid than others. After all, “My car broke down” or “I had to take my daughter to urgent care” generally come off much better than “I slept in and missed the bus” or “I lost my car keys.” Now here’s a truly valid reason for work absenteeism, and unfortunately, it’s becoming more prevalent throughout the U.S.: chronic pain.

According to a recent study published in the peer-reviewed research journal Spine, workers suffering from chronic pain are more likely be absent from work – and more likely to stay absent – compared to workers not suffering from chronic pain. In fact, among a study population of more than 8,000 workers, chronic pain sufferers were significantly more likely to be absent from work one or more days: 20 percent more likely if suffering from neck pain, and 22 percent more likely if suffering from low back pain or headache pain (migraines), respectively.

The good news is there are natural solutions to all three of these common conditions, starting with chiropractic care, and research supports it. Talk to your chiropractor if you’re suffering from pain, whether acute or chronic, before it gets so bad that you have to miss work. After all, you deserve to save your personal leave time for a well-deserved vacation, not to endure chronic pain.