Acupuncture Treatment in Colorado Springs, COAcupuncture treatment has been used successfully for thousands of years to treat many types of ailments. From muscle strains and sprains, to headaches and facial pain, to rheumatoid arthritis, the ancient Chinese healing method has been a very popular practice worldwide. Springs Chiropractic offers the best acupuncture in Colorado Springs.

By targeting specific portions of muscle along certain points with very small needles, acupuncture is able to promote the very precise healing the patient requires. Since most pain is felt in the superficial layers of tissue, the needles are inserted quickly. The acupuncturist can then manipulate the needles by spinning, flicking, or moving them in or out.

Most patients try acupuncture to relieve muscle pain. The leading contributor to chronic muscle pain is the vicious cycle created by the contraction of the muscle, which leads to more pain, which leads to another contraction, and so on. By causing an extremely small wound in that muscle, acupuncture can interrupt that cycle of pain. The muscle, when pierced by the needle, will release histamine. Histamine will increase the flow of blood, releasing the painful toxins from the area, while simultaneously moving nutrients to the muscle, promoting healing.

A feature that sets us apart from the other available acupuncture in Colorado Springs is our exclusive use of sterile, single-use needles only. This ensures the safety of our patients, as well as their healthy recovery. Our acupuncturist is one very skilled James Pulciani. James has been practicing for more than a decade, and holds a masters degree in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Having authored many educational texts and curricula in anatomy and massage, he is well versed in pain-relieving techniques.

When searching for a competent clinic that provides acupuncture in Colorado Springs, the highly skilled team at Springs Chiropractic offer the complete experience.