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Tennis is a lifelong sport.  It is a great way to stay in shape and stay social.  Taking your frustrations out on the tennis ball can be very therapeutic and cathartic.  But when you over do it, simply playing the game of tennis can become painful and frustrating.  Not what you want.

Chiropractic care has proven to be an effective way to fight the aging battle and help keep our bodies fit and ready to continue playing the game we love.

Unfortunately, as we age, our bodies are more susceptible to overuse injury and breakdown.  The most notable tennis injury is tennis elbow.  Interestingly, it is not as common as you might think and is treatable.  Other common tennis maladies are rotator cuff tendinitis, wrist strains, back pain, anterior knee pain around the knee cap, Achilles and calf tendon injuries, and ankle sprains.

When you are younger, many of these injuries are caused by high speed racket impact and, repetition and use of the spine, legs and especially your dominant arm.  As we age, another factor is added.  Our bodies are getting tired and don’t hold up to the strain like they used to. We stop producing as much of the growth hormone that is in charge of helping to repair tennis injuries.

Don’t worry, the news is not all bad.  Generally speaking the rate of tennis injury is pretty low and most injuries are very treatable.  Chiropractic treatments can help stimulate your body’s natural production of the growth hormone needed to recover and repair injuries.  Look for a chiropractor that has experience treating sports injuries and one who will take the time to get to know you and develop customized treatment plans for your specific needs.

We are all unique and respond differently to different therapies.  A qualified chiropractor will be able to match you to the right therapy.  Manipulation, muscle stimulation, therapeutic ultrasound, acupuncture, therapeutic massage, mechanical traction, and Class IV laser therapy are all potential treatment protocols for treating tennis and other sports injuries.



Getting Back Into the Swing of It

When you are younger, many of these injuries are caused by high speed racket impact and, repetition and use of the spine…