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One of the most common knee injury incurred by runners is patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), or runner’s knee. When athletes run uphill or downhill, pain slightly above or below the kneecap can occur. Many athletes report having problems when they increase their mileage. With increased distance, you can expect strength and mobility imbalances resulting in injuries such as runner’s knee. Identifying where the damage originated is critical before starting treatment. One of the biggest problems is that most runners do not listen to their bodies and continue running through pain, worsening the issue. There are a few ways you can prevent runner’s knee from happening. First, you should always warm up before running. Walk for five minutes at a brisk pace or until you start to break a little sweat. Once your body is warm, gently stretch your hips, quadriceps, hamstrings and calves. Do not make drastic or sudden increases in your mileage. Gradually build up your training to develop your muscles and fitness level without risking injury. Wear the proper gear. Having a good pair of sneakers is crucial to running safely. Replace your sneakers once they start to wear or stretch out. If you start experiencing pain that does not subside, do not continue to run. Stop, rest, and get advice from a sports injury doctor. If you hurt your knee, it is essential to protect it from further damage. You will need to rest and stop running until the pain is completely gone. An ice pack and a bandage to support your knee, as well as elevating your injured leg, is also helpful. Last but not least, seek advice from a sports injury doctor and see what treatment is best for you.


Sports Injury Treatment for Runner’s Knee

One of the most common knee injury incurred by runners is patellofemoral pain syndrome (PFPS), or runner’s knee…